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Egg Rolls


Egg Rolls

1 pound ground beef
2 cups carrots, peeled and shredded
2 cups celery, shredded
1 small package bean sprouts
1 cup scallions, diced
1 1/2 cups Chun King® Soy Sauce
Menlo® Egg Roll Wraps*

Brown ground beef, crumbling while cooking; drain. Combine remaining ingredients, except wraps, with beef in a large bowl. Cut each wrap into 2 triangles and separate. Keep them covered with a moist paper towel. Place approximately 2 tablespoons of mixture in the middle of each wrapper. Fold bottom of triangle up over mixture. Pull tightly around the filling, then fold ends over and roll forward, leaving only the middle tip exposed, and wet it with egg white so that it will stick. Deep fry until golden brown.

Serve with sweet-sour sauce.

NOTE: Egg Rolls may be frozen before frying for later use.

* Menlo® Egg Roll Wraps can be found at Philippine grocery stores. If they cannot be located, use any other wraps found at the supermarket.