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Apricot pancakes with honey butter


For the butter
100g butter, softened
2 tbsp clear honey
For the pancakes
140g self-raising flour
pinch bicarbonate of soda
25g caster sugar
1 egg
150ml milk
handful ready-to-eat dried apricots, finely chopped
oil, for frying

  • STEP 1

    For the honey butter, beat the butter with the honey and spoon onto a large piece of cling film. Squeeze into a sausage shape, then wrap tightly and chill until ready to use. Will keep in the fridge for up to a month.

  • STEP 2

    Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and a small pinch of salt into a bowl, then stir through the sugar and make a well in the centre. Beat together the egg and milk, then gradually pour into the well, stirring slowly, to avoid creating lumps. Stir in the apricots.

  • STEP 3

    Heat a non-stick frying pan over a low heat and add a little oil. Drop in 4 tablespoonfuls of batter and cook for 1 min or until the surface of each pancake is covered in bubbles. Flip with a palette knife or fish slice, then cook for a further min. Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve warm or leave to cool, then toast and spread with the honey butter to serve